Heineken reaps benefits of 13-year collaboration14 February 2025

(Image credit: Heineken/ ABB)

Heineken Guadalajara benefited from the installation and maintenance of electrical systems, including the main substation and uninterruptible power supply (UPS), following a 13-year collaboration with ABB.

Heineken’s Guadalajara facility in Mexico is said to produce 30 million litres of beer and cider each month with more than 300 dedicated professionals on-site.

According to Uberth Rios, maintenance coordinator at Heineken Guadalajara, ensuring a reliable power supply is vital for the Guadalajara plant in order to meet production targets for its 20+ brands.

“We also have critical equipment such as boilers and compressors that must stay operational at all times. Any stoppage would necessitate immediate intervention to restore functionality and to minimize production delays,” said Rios, “Through the timely preventative maintenance offered by ABB Electrification Service, Heineken can mitigate against these risks.”

A more sustainable future for Heineken

One of Heineken’s key objectives for its relationship with ABB is to continuously enhance the sustainability of its operations.

“ABB plays a crucial role in Heineken’s sustainability journey by ensuring efficient and high-quality energy distribution, reducing electrical consumption, and guaranteeing the reliability of our electrical equipment,” added Rios, “As a trusted partner, they’ve kept us informed about the latest technological advancements to improve our processes. We anticipate future ABB projects will further boost our operational efficiency.”

ABB began its relationship with Heineken Guadalajara through its installation of the main substation in the machine house.

“Heineken is a valued client for us,” explained Josue Cervantes, senior engineer at ABB Electrification Service in Mexico. “We’ve been working with them for several years, assisting with installation, conditioning, commissioning, training, and maintenance on all Heineken’s ABB products, including its switchgear and UPS systems.”

ABB has been able to enhance its predictive maintenance strategies for Heineken through its advisory services, assessing different elements of the Guadalajara facility across the dimensions of reliability, safety, security, and sustainability.

The ABB Electrification Service team is working with Heineken to upgrade older equipment at the Guadalajara plant with ABB’s latest technology, including switchboards, cases, and UPS systems. This technology will enable Heineken Guadalajara to reduce energy consumption and optimize space usage within the plant.

Operations Engineer

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