Atlas brings VSD tech to small compressors09 May 2024

Atlas Copco compressors VSD (Image credit: Atlas Copco)

Atlas Copco is bringing its variable speed drive (VSD) technology to its smallest oil-injected screw compressor range.

The G 2-7 VSD is said to offer stable pressure, low noise, reduced component wear and energy savings.

According to Atlas Copco, VSD compressors adjust their motor speed to align with fluctuations in users’s air demand. This flexibility stands in contrast with the traditional fixed-speed compressor, which consistently operates at 100% even when not required by the user.

The G 2-7 VSD is claimed to offer a greater compressed air output and a more stable pressure compared to fixed-speed alternatives. In addition, Atlas Copco’s patented screw element is said to guarantee a 100% duty cycle, eliminating the need for cool-down periods and work interruptions.

The G 2-7 VSD’s gradual start-up is expected to ensure lower starting currents and minimises strain on bearings and belts, leading to extended lifespans and reduced maintenance requirements for these key components. Additionally, all G2-7 compressors feature easily accessible panels for straightforward access to components when service is required.

Due to the reduced speeds of the element and the motor-mounted fan, the G 2-7 VSD only generates noise levels equivalent to those of typical household appliances. Their compact size further enables installation near the point of use, offering advantages for smaller operations that have limited space available.

Fixed-speed models operate at maximum energy use, irrespective of whether operators require maximum capacity. VSD technology eliminates this energy wastage by matching the motor speed to the air demand. For the G 5 and 7 VSD models, this can lead to reduced energy consumption and cost reductions of more than 20%.

Users can customise their G 2-7 VSD to suit their specific needs with a variety of options. For those seeking dry, clean air, the full feature model is equipped with an integrated dryer. Alternatively, a tank-mounted version provides air storage.

The G 2-7 VSD features the Elektronikon NanoTM controller, which securely allows over-the-air updates. With a smartphone or a tablet, users can start and stop their compressor operations while also monitoring parameters such as pressure, temperature, running hours and operation mode from any location. Additionally, the Nano controller offers advanced control algorithms and a leakage protection program.

“A workshop compressor must provide users with ease of use, minimal noise output, versatility, and reliability. That is why we are confident that our customers will truly embrace the new G 2-7 VSD range,” said Ben John, business line manager Industrial Air. “It outperforms traditional fixed-speed compressors and delivers superior performance and exceptional value over many years.”

Operations Engineer

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Atlas Copco

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