Algerian desalination plant saves energy with inverters and soft starters 03 June 2011

The Spanish consortium building the Tlemcem-Honaine desalination plant near Oran, in Algeria, is expecting significant efficiencies as a result of using inverter drives and soft starters.

Algeria is the second largest country in Africa, with 33 million inhabitants and a reducing water supply – predicted to fall by 80% in the next 30 years alone.

Hence the current seawater desalination projects, two of which specifically, the construction of three have already been built and are operational, with the third, the Tlemcem-Honaine plant, presently under construction.

Weg supplied the soft starters and frequency inverters for the pumps that will extract water from the Mediterranean Sea at Honaine – all of which have now been integrated into electrical control panels by Electricidad Tebar, a company that specialises in the water sector.

In operation, it will provide soft starting and speed variation for the extraction pumps, which will result in higher efficiency, energy saving and improved reliability.

Brian Tinham

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