1 million asbestos items surveyed by Redhills10 November 2011

Asbestos and environmental consultancy Redhills has hit the million mark for its asbestos surveys, according to its Tracker software.

"To reach a million surveyed items is a real achievement for Redhills," says Kieran Moon, commercial director. "We are able to automate the data capture process for all our clients, using tried-and-tested palmtop computers and smartphones. Data can be returned to the office within minutes of completion on site."

Redhills has been using Tracker compliance software for more than six years, and Moon says the system has provided increased efficiency and utilisation, as well as improving the turnaround times and reporting for clients.

"Surveyed data can be published on our compliance tracker system, which facilitates access to all asbestos and other compliance-related data in an easily viewable and updatable format that is simple to navigate around," adds Moon.

Brian Tinham

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