Comment: Raise the profile of professional engineering08 May 2024

There has been a lot of talk over the past months about the benefits of becoming professionally registered as a practicing engineer. Quite rightly, gaining registration titles allows an engineer to enjoy greater mobility and career progression, while also providing a firm foundation in practicing ethics, sustainability and professional development.

Very little is said on the importance of professionally registered engineers to employers. As the head of engineering integrity at a UK defence company in a former life, I had the authority and responsibility to sign off the certificate of design of products, to confirm that they met the contractual performance agreed with the customer’s requirements. The certificates of design contain documented evidence from design, manufacture, test and safety. The elements confirm that the item has been built to the design specifications, has achieved performance parameters, is safe to operate and it functions through its expected design life. Supporting documents had to be signed and approved by nominated engineers with the appropriate knowledge and recognised competence in their field of expertise.

By having engineers professionally accredited by independent professional engineering (such as the SOE) promotes confidence that the engineering practices and processes met the performance standards expected of our products and the personnel involved. It was stipulated that any engineer who had the authority and responsibility to sign off any document within the chain of evidence supporting the certificate of design – such as performance specification/operation, design drawings, system test reports and build standard – had to be professionally accredited. Whether that was EngTech, IEng or CEng, they were all recognised as being a significant and valued member of the project team.

While demonstrating continual practices and control of engineering processes through independent project auditors, we were able to demonstrate to customers – as well as our company management – that designated accredited engineers operated with responsibility, ethics and recognised competence. That was a fundamental in assuring that the equipment supplied conforms to contractual and performance requirements, substantiated by a professionally accredited and experienced team of engineers.

Steve Burnage, chair, Environmental Engineers

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