White paper analyses cost benefits of condensate recovery 22 August 2012
A white paper published by Spirax Sarco shows how steam users could save tens of thousands of pounds by improving their condensate recovery systems.
Spirax Sarco makes the point that condensate (the hot, treated water produced as steam releases its heat energy), is a valuable resource that contains up to 20% of the useful energy in the original steam.
Recovering this energy can reduce fuel bills, cut water and effluent charges and lower spending on water treatment chemicals, argue the authors of the white paper.
It describes the technology involved, ranging from steam traps to pumping systems, boiler blowdown, flash steam and its recovery, and the issues involved in pressurised, low-loss condensate recovery plant.
Case studies also demonstrate how existing steam users have benefitted from these technologies, demonstrating the significant savings they have achieved.
The White Paper can be downloaded from the Spirax Sarco, using the link below.
Brian Tinham
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