Westinghouse completes first SMR fuel assemblies 02 July 2013
Westinghouse Electric says it has completed manufacturing and assembly of two nuclear fuel test assemblies for its SME (small modular reactor) at its Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility in South Carolina.
Westinghouse chief technology officer and senior vice president Dr. Kate Jackson says that final preparations are now underway before hydraulic testing begins, with SMR reactor operation simulated to confirm acceptable performance.
"Completing the test fuel assemblies is a significant milestone in developing the Westinghouse SMR and moves it closer to being the first SMR to the global market," states Jackson.
"Our SMR represents the future in energy technology, offering an affordable, safe and secure source of zero-carbon energy," she continues.
"Our experience, capabilities and licensing expertise will help to ensure rapid deployment of innovative operating plants."
The Westinghouse SMR is a 225MWe integral PWR (pressurised water reactor), with all primary components located inside of the reactor vessel.
Jackson says it uses passive safety systems and proven components, as well as modular construction techniques – all already licensed in the nuclear industry-leading AP1000 reactor – to achieve the highest level of safety and reduced number of components.
Brian Tinham
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Westinghouse Electric UK Holdings Ltd
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