Weg energy-efficient motors claim 40% less losses 03 December 2012
Electric motors specialist Weg has launched a range of "breakthrough" motors that it claims provide ultra- high energy efficiency.
Dubbed W22 Super Premium, the new electric motors provide the only standard range in the world that exceeds the yet-to-be-implemented IE4 regulations.
Power range is from 3—355kW and these three-phase induction motors present a claimed maximum of 40% less losses than previous designs. Other features include an aerodynamic frame, and redesigned cooling and insulation systems.
Marek Lukaszczyk, European marketing manager at Weg, says that users will see reduced energy consumption, increased productivity, extended lifetime and lower maintenance on applications such as fans, blowers, pumps and compressors.
He also explains that the frame and cooling system have been optimised to deliver exceptional airflow, improving operating efficiency even in tough environmental conditions.
And he adds that these result in increased lubrication intervals and so minimal maintenance and servicing – while high-performance rubber drains allow for easy motor drainage during servicing, and provide high protection at harsh conditions.
"As motors typically run for thousands of hours every year, any gain in efficiency ... equates to considerable savings, which pay for the investment in a few years, and in some cases even months," comments Lukaszczyk.
Brian Tinham
Related Companies
WEG Electrical Motors (UK) Ltd
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