Ultimo identifies access to data as key in chemical processing 12 March 2021
Access to actionable data is the most important factor, in relation to asset management, in the chemical processing sector. So says a new Ultimo Software Solutions whitepaper (available for download via the link below).
A major finding of the paper is that the ability to turn data into clear information, that can be acted upon, is often missing within chemical processing operations. While data is theoretically available for every asset, particularly those that may already be connected with sensors as part of an industrial internet of things (IIoT) deployment, this data is not being captured and utilised to its potential.
Also discussed is the fact that there is a constant balancing act for asset managers regarding an optimal asset management and maintenance approach. The emphasis on cost control is never-ending, and requires close interaction and cooperation with colleagues in production. The more data available, the paper puts forward, the more likely that informed decisions can be made for chemical processing plants.
Ultimo sales director Ewout Noordermeer said: “Our trends report showed that 23% of asset managers expect big data and business intelligence platforms to be applicable to their organisations going forward. While an EAM [enterprise asset management] system will host all the data for each asset and will function as the primary operational platform, other 'big data' business intelligence platforms are being deployed throughout organisations, so the ability for an EAM system to integrate with these is paramount.”
Operations Engineer
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