Turn steam pressure reduction into energy with micro-turbines 02 May 2014
Steam pressure-reducing micro-turbines that generate electricity – rather than waste energy in matching pressure to the needs of the application – have been introduced by Spirax Sarco.
The steam system specialist says its TR Steam MicroTurbines – which are compact, supplied fully assembled and available in two sizes to 700kW – are suitable for saturated or superheated steam.
It also says that one unit producing 300kW of electrical power generate cost savings of more than £150,000 per year. The greater the steam demand, the more electricity the turbine generates and the faster the payback.
Industries with most to gain from the micro-turbines include food and drink, chemical processing, pharmaceutical and general industrial facilities using pressure reduction equipment in their steam distribution lines.
Electricity produced can be used locally or exported and sold to the mains power grid. The devices can operate at up to 89 bar g and 550°C.
Units are generally best sized for base load, meaning the conventional pressure reducing station will still be needed to cope with peak loads or seasonal demands.
Brian Tinham
Related Companies
Spirax Sarco Ltd
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