Spirax Sarco celebrates its 500th BOAS delegate 03 April 2012
Spirax Sarco is celebrating the 500th delegate to complete its BOAS (Boiler Operation Accreditation Scheme) course at its new UK Steam Technology Centre in Cheltenham.
Spirax Sarco was the first to become accredited to teach the BOAS course in 2005, which provides national accreditation for engineers and technicians that operate or manage industrial boilers.
BOAS was recently recommended in the new best practice BG01 boiler guidance, published by the CEA, SAFed and HSE in 2011.
The 500th trainee, known only as Mark, works at a UK paper mill and received a 'thank you' gift pack from Spirax Sarco on completion of his training.
"Having recently read the new BG01 document, I knew the importance of BOAS training and asked to attend a course," comments Mark. "Having compared other training providers, we chose Spirax Sarco because of their experience and excellent training facilities. I would definitely recommend them."
Successful candidates use the designatory letters Cert. IBO (Certified Industrial Boiler Operator) or Dip.BOM (Diploma in Boiler Plant Operation Management).
After five years BOAS graduates are asked to take a refresher course, also available at the Cheltenham training centre.
Brian Tinham
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