Spirax Rental speeds steam efficient plant 14 August 2012
Steam systems specialist Spirax Sarco has launched Spirax Rental, aimed, it says, at helping plant engineers make energy- and carbon-saving investments early by effectively hiring the equipment they need.
"Many organisations are wasting money operating and maintaining ageing, energy-inefficient plant and equipment," explains Steve McKie, national specialist sustainability, Spirax Sarco.
"That's real money already being spent every month. It makes no sense when the money could be used to reduce energy consumption by installing Spirax Sarco products that will deliver energy savings and reduce maintenance costs," he adds.
Depending on project scope, monthly payments can be used to cover the cost of design, new equipment, installation and removal of old equipment, says McKie.
Steam users can choose from several options at the end of their rental agreement. McKie gives the example of companies paying peppercorn rent to continue using the equipment.
Brian Tinham
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Spirax Sarco Ltd
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