Soft focus on ultra-precision material handling 24 February 2014

An unusual, ultra-precision material handling system for an unnamed UK soft contact lens manufacturer on the south coast has been completed by AB Systems.

Jeff Day, managing director of AB Systems, explains that the process involves injecting a polymerisable feed material into a mould, which is then oven-cured.

It is the manufacture of the plastic mould assembly – a male convex and female concave mould surface – for which AB designed and installed the material handling system.

The system comprises three material loaders, a desiccant dryer, an insulated drying hopper, a vacuum pump, and a central system vacuum filter to remove debris – all from SB Plastics, for which AB is UK distributor.

Day says his company also designed and installed a touch screen panel that enables operators to pre-program and control processes such as conveying times and filter cleaning.

"This is fantastic to work with a client that is so active in ensuring that the highest standards of manufacturing are achieved," comments Day.


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