Aimed at recognising the important work done by plant engineers, the Plant Engineer of the Year award aims to celebrate an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to any aspects of plant, works, services, maintenance, or facilities engineering.
Nominees for this award may be accepted from individuals, colleagues, employers, and corporate partner organisations, and the award will be given to the nominee who best demonstrates excellence in their profession.
The winning plant engineer will receive £500 worth of continuing professional development (CPD) sponsorship and be invited to the SOE annual lunch in London with an opportunity to network with industry professionals.
Nomination forms can be downloaded from the awards website (see end of article). This should be sent to the SOE membership department at, or by post to Plant Engineer of the Year Award 2018, 22 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1PR.

The Engineer Surveyor of the Year award, meanwhile, is aimed at highlighting the important role of the engineer surveyor in promoting safety in the workplace. It will go to the member of BES who best demonstrates a professional approach to their operation at the top end of the market.
The winning engineer surveyor will also receive £500 worth of continuing professional development (CPD) sponsorship and be invited to the SOE annual lunch in London with an opportunity to network with industry professionals.
Application forms can be downloaded from the awards website (see end of article). These should be sent to the membership department on, or by post to BES Engineer Surveyor Award 2018, 22 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1PR.

The Sir Moir Lockhead Safety Award is an award where candidates can be nominated for a safety initiative or innovation, a safety invention or for safety leadership.
SOE is passionate about promoting a culture of safety and safety thinking that puts injury prevention and prevention of safety incidents at the heart of its promotion of professionalism. Every year SOE will recognise individuals who have worked to deliver tangible improvements in safety either within their company or within their industry. The successful individuals will be awarded the prestigious Sir Moir Lockhead Safety Award.
Completed forms, which can be downloaded from the awards website, should be sent to Daniel Moir at or post to Daniel Moir, Head of Operations & Communications, SOE, 22 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1PR.
The closing date for all nominations is 31 August 2018. To find out more about these awards, other awards up for grabs, and to enter, click here.