Sensonics achieves ISO 45001:2018 certification06 July 2020
Condition monitoring specialist Sensonics has revealed that it has achieved ISO 45001 certification and it now has a fully integrated management system that also encompasses ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
ISO 45001:2018 is the international standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (replacing OHSAS 18001). The move falls in line with Sensonics on-going approach to provide customers with innovative products and services, whilst also maintaining high quality standards, minimising the environmental impact of operations and proactively managing health and safety.
According to the company, working to this standard enables organisations to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as proactively improving OH&S performance through staff engagement and promoting collaboration with customers to improve health and safety throughout the industry.
Colin Rance, operations manager at Sensonics, says: “Achieving ISO 45001 demonstrates our commitment to improving the health and safety standards within our business.All our customers, particularly those in the power generation, nuclear and oil & gas industries depend on Sensonics to achieve the highest standards in all areas of engagement, especially with regards to health and safety.”
Adam Offord
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