Semta's new CEO & COO set to engineer skills for future26 January 2015

Ann_Watson_Al_Parkes.jpg Ann Watson (left) and Al Parkes

Semta, the sector skills council for science, engineering and manufacturing technologies, has appointed an all female team to combat the skills gap and champion vocational training.

Ann Watson, who is chief executive officer as of this month, and Al Parkes, newly appointed chief operating officer, spearhead the organisation, which represents 138,000 engineering and manufacturing companies and acts as a vital conduit between industry and its prospective workforce.

With a requirement of 100,000 STEM graduates a year and at least two million engineers within the next 10 years the challenges are significant.

Watson said: "I fully appreciate the skills challenges facing the engineering and advanced manufacturing sector and am committed to ensure that Semta overcomes them. Semta will inspire the next generation of engineers, scientists and technicians; create the competent and skilled workforce that UK plc needs to compete effectively on the global stage."

She added: "We will continue to create employer-led skills solutions and support partnerships with industry, government and other key stakeholders."

Al Parkes has been COO and formerly sales and marketing director of First4Skills. She previously worked as business transformation director and IT director at Protocol Skills. She said: "Industry and the economy is at a critical point in terms of skills provision.

"Manufacturers have the reputation – and in many cases the orders to expand in the years to come – we now need to ensure that they have a workforce equipped to optimize the opportunity. Semta has a unique role to play in this process – and I relish the fact that I will be here to help make it happen."

Ian Vallely

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