Safety Maturity Index tool guides best plant safety performance 01 November 2013

Rockwell Automation has released Safety Maturity Index (SMI) software, aimed at helping manufacturers to assess the effectiveness of their existing safety programs and then to optimise plant performance.

Mark Eitzman, safety market development manager at Rockwell Automation, says the tool enables a self-guided assessment, and adds that it is applicable to any industry, any plant size and any location in the world.

Rockwell's SMI tool helps manufacturers benchmark how they are doing, in terms of safety culture, compliance and capital. Most importantly, it provides recommendations to help achieve best-in-class safety performance, he says.

"The benefits of optimising safety through the SMI assessment can result in fewer injuries and fines, as well as improved plant productivity, greater efficiencies and enhanced employee morale," states Eitzman,

"Achieving best-in-class safety performance begins with assessing current practices company-wide, and now [plant engineers and managers] can do this on their own."

Each safety 'pillar' – culture (behavioural), compliance (procedural) and capital (technical) – is measureable in the SMI tool, using four categories.

These are: SMI 1, minimising investment; SMI 2, attaining compliance; SMI 3, cost avoidance; and SMI 4, operational excellence.

For more information, use the link below.

Brian Tinham

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