RSA Tipton chooses Andrews high efficiency condensing water heaters 29 March 2011
Derry Building Services reports success with the installation of two high efficiency Andrews condensing water heaters and buffer tanks, now operating at the new RSA Academy in Tipton, West Midlands.
The firm selected two SUPAflo condensing gas-fired water heaters, to handle the high demand for domestic hot water on site in the most energy efficient manner possible.
They water heaters were installed in the ground floor plant room, in an unvented system, along with two storage vessels, to provide hot water to wash hand basins and sinks in cloakrooms, classrooms, laboratories, as well as kitchens and showers adjacent to the sports facilities.
The SUPAflo SF64 models chosen – the latest in Andrews' instantaneous range – each have an output of 285kW and a recovery rate of 4,880 litres per hour, through a temperature rise of 50oC. They are low water content units, with a stainless steel finned tube heat exchanger and stainless steel headers and manifold.
Brian Wall
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