RIDDOR reduction consultation should be welcomed 21 August 2012
The public consultation on HSE's proposal to simplify and clarify RIDDOR reporting requirements, should be welcomed by health and safety professionals and employers alike, according to Matt St John, head of health and safety services at C&C Consulting.
RIDDOR legislation places duties on employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises to report serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specified dangerous occurrences.
However, St John points out that the consultation introduces proposals – based on recommendations from government and HSE reviews as well as Professor Löfstedt's report – aimed at dealing with concerns that the categories of reportable accidents are unnecessarily complicated.
"It [is] often time consuming for organisations to determine if accidents and incidents should be reported," explains St John. "Incidents involving members of the public were highlighted as a particularly problematic area."
"The expectation is that the reduction in complexity should encourage organisations to take a more proactive approach when determining what constitutes a reportable incident, and ensure that reports are made within the specified time frames," he asserts.
"Ultimately, the increased accuracy of statistical analysis presented by the HSE will enable organisations to gain a better understanding of where their greatest areas of risk might be, and proactively look to redress these, to the benefit of employers and employees alike," states St John. .
Brian Tinham
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