REA disappointed on European biofuels cap decision 12 July 2013

The European Parliament Environment Committee vote yesterday (11 July 2013) to cap European biofuels production has brought a stinging response from the REA (Renewable Energy Association).

"[The] vote is very disappointing for so much of the UK biofuels industry. It will ensure that fossil fuels continue to dominate transport for the foreseeable future and it will reduce the stimulus for investments in improving agricultural yields and practices," states REA head of renewable transport Clare Wenner.

"These final proposals are a conceptually flawed attempt to force European biofuel developers to pay for the assumed emissions of other industries in other regions of the world," she continues.

"They will put committed investments in agricultural biofuels and future investments in advanced biofuels at extreme risk across Europe. So-called green campaigners have well and truly shot themselves in the foot with this pyrrhic victory."

The Environment Committee's vote on proposals to deal with possible greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from theoretical ILUC (indirect land use change) found 43—26 in favour of a 5.5% cap on transport from all land-based biofuels.

It accepted the incorporation of ILUC factors into the accounting of GHG emissions for biofuels, under the Fuel Quality and Renewable Energy Directives.

The committee's proposals will now be put to the Plenary of the European Parliament in the autumn. The Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) will be able to introduce amendments at this stage.

Brian Tinham

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