Protective equipment specialist failed to protect worker01 May 2014
One of Europe's leading manufacturers of personal protective equipment has been prosecuted and fined a total of £4,000 with £1,064 in costs after a worker's hand was crushed when it became trapped in an unsafe machine at its factory in Oxfordshire.
The 47-year-old employee, from Witney, had just started her shift on 11 January 2013 at the JSP factory in Minster Lovell. She was stirring the paint for a printer when the machine suddenly moved, striking her hand and trapping it.
The worker, who does not wish to be named, suffered a broken knuckle and serious nerve damage and was unable to work for several months. The nerve damage has resulted in a loss of dexterity in her right hand.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigated and prosecuted JSP for safety failings after finding a micro switch on the interlocking sliding door guard on the printing machine had failed.
Oxford Magistrates were told that the firm had been using the machine for eight years without incident. However, the safety devices had not been checked or maintained during the whole of that time. Following the employee's injury the machine was examined and found to be unsafe.
JSP of Worsham Mill, Minster Lovell, Oxfordshire was fined after admitting two breaches of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 by failing to protect employees from dangerous moving parts of machinery.
HSE inspector Kelly Nichols said: "This was a preventable incident. JSP Ltd had carried out a risk assessment in 2007 that identified maintenance checks were not being carried out on the printing machine, but they had failed to follow this through by taking action to manage that risk.
"As a result, the micro switches on the guards had not been checked at regular intervals. When the interlocked sliding door guard was opened, the micro switch should have cut the power to the dangerous moving parts allowing the operator to access the area safely, but it had failed and one of their employees unfortunately paid the price.
"Employers need to act on the findings of their own risk assessments and avoid complacency. They can't afford to assume that machines, which have been running for some time, are going to remain safe without regular checks of safety-critical devices. These checks are vital so the workforce is protected and the business continues to function efficiently."
Ian Vallely
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