Portescap launches B16C Gearbox30 July 2024

(Image credit: ?Portescap)

Portescap, a company specialising in miniature motion solutions, has claimed its B16C gearbox is tailored for engineers aiming to optimise their infusion pumps without sacrificing performance.

The design of the spur gearing solution is expected to reduce the overall length by 3 to 4 mm compared to similar motor/gearbox composites, making it an ideal choice for space-constrained applications. When paired with the 16DCT AthlonixTM motor, the B16C is said to deliver up to 100 mNm of continuous torque output.

According to Portescap, the B16C gearbox excels in applications where space and weight are critical, such as ambulatory infusion pumps. Its compact form factor allows for a smaller overall pump size or the incorporation of additional design features. The integrated design reduces the number of internal components, resulting in fewer points of contact and lower output noise. This reduction in noise is crucial for infusion pumps used in home environments or quiet procedure rooms, enhancing patient comfort during drug delivery. With gear ratios available up to 27:1, the B16C offers a range of speed and torque outputs when combined with the 16DCT coil options, providing engineers with the flexibility to meet diverse application requirements.

The B16C can be mechanically customised to suit specific needs, from shaft modifications to housing changes, and special lubricants are available to accommodate unique application demands.

Portescap is inviting engineers and designers to explore the capabilities of the new B16C gearbox and see how it can enhance their next-generation infusion pump designs. For more information, contact Portescap or visit the website at www.portescap.com.

Ben Spencer

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