OPW introduces monitoring system18 July 2024

(Image credit: OPW)

OPW Engineered Systems has introduced its 8800 Series Overfill and Ground Monitoring System for terminal operators looking to make their filling processes safer.

The solution offers features that can be integrated into existing terminal-automation systems.

“Terminal operators are seeking solutions that optimize their loading processes,” said David Jacobson, global product manager for OPW Engineered Systems. “The 8800 Series Monitoring System achieves this by utilising pictograms and LED lights to quickly communicate the loading status, regardless of language. Additionally, the 8870 model is engineered utilising the latest hardware and software technologies, providing advanced features that can be incorporated into today’s terminal-automation systems.”

The 8800 Series Monitoring System uses electronics and software technology, which are housed in a cabinet. It also possesses an IP68 weatherproof rating. Three models are available for users to address overfill-prevention and ground-monitoring requirements:

  • 8870: Uses an OLED display and LED indicator lights for a more simpler and intuitive loading process. The 8870 can be integrated into existing terminal-automation systems
  • 8851N: Utilises LED indicator lights to communicate ground and overfill status, which provides the driver with an intuitive loading process
  • 8814: Provides ground verification through a simple solution with LED indicator lights that communicate ground status to the driver
  • Operations Engineer

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