On-site energy utility set to revolutionise UK CHP plants09 September 2011
American utility firm EuroSite Power is to launch in the UK, promising "to revolutionise" small-scale CHP (combined heating and power) plant provision, with a service-based approach.
Newly appointed managing director Paul Hamblyn, who is well known in the low carbon energy technologies field, says that interested users should watch out for its On-Site Utility service, which will deliver "cost savings … without capital investment".
Hamblyn claims that EuroSite Power's new utility offering will enable customers to generate and buy electricity, heat, hot water and cooling on-site at prices up to 15% lower than those charged by utility suppliers.
The CHP service is aimed at users having a year-round requirement for heat energy nod that spend more than £62,500 annually on natural gas – such as hotels, leisure complexes and hospitals. They will also get security of supply, greater cost visibility and lower carbon energy, says Hamblyn.
"EuroSite Power's all round offering is a compelling one for customers, both financially and operationally," states Hamblyn.
"It saves customers money on their energy usage at minimal risk, as EuroSite Power will maintain secure supply, along with paying for installation and maintenance costs – and there are additional environmental benefits," he adds.
EuroSite Power takes responsibility for the ownership, installation and maintenance of the CHP system, and for the cost of gas used by the system, so absorbing all investment and operating expenses.
Brian Tinham
Related Companies
EuroSite Power Ltd
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