NSK trains staff via VR25 November 2022

NSK VR training methods Germany The training allows each operator to learn how to set up the machine in the same way whenever switching over to the next product

NSK is allowing operators of grinding and honing machines to take part in virtual reality (VR) training methods at its Munderkingen plant in Germany.

In the production of ball bearings, machining accuracy requirements are high, which is why NSK’s production sites make use of special grinding and honing machines. The challenge is to keep these machines running 24/7, while at the same time training employees in their operation.

The VR technology will mean no more production interruptions are necessary to carry out training sessions because they now take place interactively in the virtual space. In addition, it is possible to hold the training in a decentralised location as small as 2 m2.

The training allows each operator to learn how to set up the machine in the same way whenever switching over to the next product. At the Munderkingen plant, set-up workflows are important because the plant produces a variety of specific bearing types in small batches, requiring frequent machine set ups.

VR-supported training of the set-up process establishes a standard procedure, which reduces cycle time errors, scrap rates and quality deviations. Also, operators can practice and improve their set-up skills without having to dismantle the machine each time.

Carsten Schleyer, responsible for the project at NSK in Munderkingen, said: "The time required for training sessions in the virtual space is often only a third of that required for conventional training, largely because VR training can focus purely on procedures without having to handle real tools and workpieces."

In practice, VR could offer additional advantages that go beyond training requirements such as a machine that is still under development at the manufacturer.

According to NSK, it is possible to install a machine which is still under development at the manufacturer in the virtual space and train employees on it. Set-up procedures can be analysed and optimised using the digital model of the machine. Operators can then make suggestions for optimising the set-up procedures, and even transmit their feedback and proposals directly to the machine’s developers, who can perhaps make adjustments accordingly.

Having a digital machine model in the virtual space allows workers to view it from different angles. This can help repair and maintenance staff who can look inside the virtual machine and develop a plan for replacing components.

"Having a model of a grinding or honing machine in the virtual space not only makes employee training easier, it also helps with the operation and maintenance of the actual machine,” Schleyer adds.

The project was delivered in co-operation with software developer Varity.me.

Operations Engineer

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NSK Bearings Europe Ltd

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