Norton strikes start-up deal with Mattei to compress growth11 November 2010

Norton Motorcycles says Mattei is among those helping the firm to get back on its feet by spreading the cost of new plant.

Mattei is providing an Optima 15 variable speed compressor, complete with dryer, filters and receiver to help keep Norton's running costs down, while enabling the firm to spread payments over the next three years.

"With the compressor being situated within the factory, we needed an extremely quiet machine, and Mattei's Optima 15 has definitely delivered on that front. It feeds equipment in the machine shop, which houses the CNC machines and provides air to the rest of the factory, which has air powered work tools throughout," explains Norton's Steve Randle.

"Our plan is to produce around 1,000 motorbikes in the first year, ramping up to 4,000 within three to four years, so Mattei's compressor has been specified to deal with future demand. In addition, to ensure the compressor continues to run reliably for years to come, we are also investing in a regular servicing programme and the first one has just been completed," he adds.

Meanwhile, Andy Jones, general manager of Mattei, comments: "It's an unusual situation and not something we offer as standard, but we really wanted to be part of this exciting new era in Norton Motorcycle's history.

"Having a compressor was not an option for the company – it was vital to their operations. So to help with their start up costs and initial capital outlay, we agreed to a special finance deal. In addition, the energy efficiency of the Optima machine also means the company can enjoy low running costs."

Brian Tinham

Related Companies
Mattei Compressors Ltd

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