NMi to test energy smart appliances25 January 2023

NMi Engage Consulting SMS NMi will develop conformance and performance laboratory testing schemes for ESAs

NMi, Engage Consulting and SMS have secured a contract for laboratory testing and the demonstration of interoperable DSR (demand side response) applications.

The partners will carry out the work on behalf of the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

NMi will develop conformance and performance laboratory testing schemes for Energy Smart Appliances (ESAs) based on existing Publicly Available Standards 1878 and 1879. NMi will also provide assurance services in support of the testing.

The project will enable UK testing of ESAs for use by the DSRSP (Demand Side Response Service Provider) to more dynamically monitor and control power flows across the network, thereby decongesting transmission and distribution grids from peak loads and preventing network and generation outages.

The first phase of the project is a 10-month timeframe to design the two schemes. The second phase is a nine-month window in which SMS will oversee and assure physical testing, and NMi will provide test assurance. Engage Consulting will manage the project.

NMi’s business development manager Robbert Schirmer said: “Together with Engage Consulting and SMS, we are helping to move the needle on the UK Government’s target of hitting net zero by 2050. We look forward to using the knowledge and experience we will acquire to offer similar services to manufacturers and system developers operating in Europe.”

Operations Engineer

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