Maintenance experts vote for HVLS fans 15 March 2012
A panel of maintenance experts and an audience of maintenance professionals have commended Pickerings Lifts for its innovative approach to maintenance, by awarding the company with the accolade of winner of this year's Lions' Lair contest at last week's Maintec show (on 1 March 2012).
The company won the competition with its new HVLS (high volume low speed) fans, designed to provide an energy-efficient solution for large spaces.
The panel and audience liked the fact that the new fans require much less energy than traditional air movement HVAC-based systems.
Making up the judging panel were Leighton Parker, maintenance manager at Alliance Boots, Paul Dennis, technical facilities manager at Experian, and Professor Len Gelman, chair in vibro-acoustic monitoring at Cranfield University.
Meanwhile, Idhammar presented its new Andon Signalling and Business Alerts product, while SCHAD pitched Extend7000, claimed to be the world's first fully functional mobile SCADA application, and C-Cubed showcased its new Expidero inspections system.
Brian Tinham
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