Machines With Vision appoints business development manager 18 July 2024

(Image credit: Machines With Vision)

Edinburgh-based technology SME Machines With Vision has appointed Giulia Chironna business development manager to support its global growth plans.

Machines With Vision has developed solutions to the challenge of location and data positioning in rail, transforming how infrastructure owners and engineers perform maintenance, in the UK and beyond.

Chironna will focus on building relationships with potential customers and understanding how Machines With Vision can tailor their products, from RailLoc to Fault Navigator, to solve customer challenges.

Chironna said: “Being constantly in contact with people is important for me and this role combines that social aspect with the exciting world of technology. I was also intrigued by the journey of Machines With Vision and their ethos.

“Roles can differ slightly from time to time, but I think it is more important to surround yourself with people that support you and really know how to work together. I look forward to evolving my role and forging connections across the rail sector.”

Anthony Ashbrook, co-founder, said: “I’m really delighted to have Giulia join our team. Our goal is to work collaboratively with railway customers to solve their biggest infrastructure challenges. Giulia will do a brilliant job building these relationships and making sure our customers get a great result.”

Operations Engineer

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