MAC Solutions buys Asgard: invests in ProcessVue system 18 November 2013
MAC Solutions has acquired Asgard Technologies, developer of the ProcessVue alarm management and printer replacement software.
John Pritchard, managing director of MAC Solutions, says that his firm now intends to invest in a new ProcessVue software development centre, based in Chesterfield. He also says that Andrew Swallow, owner of Asgard Technologies, will become a shareholder of MAC Solutions.
"For several years now, MAC Solutions has performed a very successful role as the sole global distributor of ProcessVue and so the company understands the requirements of the installed user base," states Pritchard.
"The merger with Asgard Technologies, increased investment in ProcessVue by MAC Solutions, and the setting up of the new software development centre, will benefit existing and new ProcessVue customers," he continues.
And Swallow adds: "We have forged a symbiotic relationship... It makes sense that we move the relationship forward to the next level by merging the two companies."
Features within ProcessVue include: advanced KPI reporting based on EEMUA 191 guidelines; alarm rationalisation; sequence of event and real-time displays in web browser; alarm system benchmarking; and alarm and event analysis.
The software also provides a foundation for ensuring that companies meet HSE regulations on COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards).
Brian Tinham
Related Companies
Asgard Engineering Ltd
MAC Solutions (UK) Ltd
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