Luxfer introduces gas containment range21 June 2024

Luxfer Gas Cylinders (Image credit: Luxfer Gas Cylinders)

Luxfer Gas Cylinders has introduced G-Stor Hydrosphere, a collection of Multiple Element Gas Containers (MEGCs) to improve how businesses can harness hydrogen.

The G-Stor Hydrosphere range has been developed to support the safe and sustainable transportation of hydrogen via virtual gas pipelines.

The range draws on Luxfer's Type 4 (G-Stor Go H2) cylinder technology. Available in 20-ft and 40-ft units, the MEGCs are said to overcome infrastructure barriers currently facing the hydrogen supply chain by allowing more than 1 tonne of hydrogen to be stored and transported. By maximising payload, it is claimed to provide the best price per kilogramme of hydrogen.

Nick Herbert, sales and marketing director of Luxfer Gas Cylinders Europe, said: “We believe this product range is revolutionary for the transportation of hydrogen. By using our G-Stor Go Type 4 cylinders, which have a larger diameter, less cylinders are required to store the gas compared to other models on the market. That means our customers benefit from more efficient use of carbon fibre and reduced road weight, improving gas transportation efficiency.

“We strongly believe that this virtual pipeline solution will truly make a difference to enabling the adoption of cleaner fuel.”

The G-Stor Hydrosphere range comes with standardised filling and discharge couplings, safety features, an unlimited service life with periodic inspection, a design completed in conjunction with ISO 668, a cylinder approval to EN 17339 and an approval to ADR 6.8

Herbert added: “For the potential of hydrogen to be truly realised, we need better infrastructure. Our work on virtual gas pipelines is instrumental in connecting the dots between hydrogen producers, transport and storage suppliers and consumption outlets. The launch of our G-Stor Hydrosphere range is a milestone towards the wider adoption of sustainable energy.”

The G-Stor Hydrosphere range will be manufactured at Luxfer’s new purpose-built production facility at its Nottingham base.

Ben Spencer

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Luxfer Gas Cylinders

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