Jungheinrich introduces POWERLiNE lithium-ion trucks to market05 July 2022

Jungheinrich UK today announced a new forklift truck line named POWERliNE. Thanks to the integrated lithium-ion battery, the trucks are much more compact and agile, which makes them particularly suitable for use in narrow aisles and goods throughput applications, according to the company.

With their acceleration and lift speed, the trucks, which are now up to 30 centimetres shorter, achieve an increase in area productivity of 4% and thus set new standards in terms of handling capacity and goods throughput.

With high exterior walls made of steel, and many other safety features, Jungheinrich’s POWERLiNE trucks help protect the operator. By eliminating the need to replace the integrated battery, potential injuries and breakdowns among warehouse staff are significantly reduced. Additionally, the new range provides operators with an ergonomically structured workplace, cushioned equipment, maximum freedom of movement and optimum ease of use.

Due to Jungheinrich's lithium-ion trucks' high energy efficiency, warehouses will reduce daily energy consumption by 20%, and thereby costs, compared to lead-acid alternativ

Operations Engineer

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