James Walker Technology Centre rates Carbolite ovens’ accuracy 11 January 2013
Carbolite ovens are making a significant difference to the accuracy and consistency of product testing conducted at the James Walker Technology Centre in Cockermouth, UK.
The centre has been equipped with 12 120-litre capacity, 300°C peak ovens for testing the firm's fluid sealing products, which required good control uniformity.
Andrew Douglas, lab manager of the James Walker Technology Centre, explains that samples are aged in the ovens for several weeks at temperatures ranging from 70°C to 250°C, and material changes monitored.
"Carbolite ovens and furnaces are highly accurate and we can rely on them to hit and maintain the correct temperatures," states Douglas.
"They are robust and easily serviceable, but if we ever do have any queries they are dealt with quickly and efficiently," he adds.
Douglas explains that James Walker was already using several Carbolite large factory ovens on site.
"Having reliable products which meet both British and International standards is vital for us and our customers, and the Carbolite ovens help us hugely in achieving this," he says.
Brian Tinham
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Carbolite Ltd
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