Inspec Solutions reports bumper results15 July 2020

Pictured: Justin Hall (left) and Mark Ritson (right), directors of Inspec Solutions outside their premises in Sheffield.

Sheffield-based technology systems provider Inspec Solutions has reported a ‘bumper year’ with over 30% growth secured to its year end – achieving its highest ever turnover.

The company, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, has seen significant growth due to new contracts won for its automation and process control solutions in the power generation, petrochemical and education & research sectors.

Inspec Solutions specialises in the production of bespoke automation systems and Industry 4.0 systems, allowing customers to extract data from plant level equipment and systems and presenting this for supervisory and management intelligence purposes. Data can be presented on web or mobile devices.

The company has successfully designed, implemented, and installed over 800 complex technology projects, of all sizes both nationally & worldwide since its formation in 2000. Systems have ranged from remote control and monitoring of an unmanned gas platform where the control room is physically sited onshore, to control and safety systems for conveying & robotic palletising machines for the food industry.

MD Mark Ritson explains: “2019/2020 was an amazing year for us. We experienced our highest growth ever and were delighted with the in-roads we made into some new high growth sectors. We traditionally focused on the metals industry, but our automation systems provide benefits to all process and manufacturing industries. Like all businesses, we’ve had a quiet couple of months since lockdown, but businesses are recognising how they can use our technology to improve efficiency and deliver enhanced shareholder value – our order books are looking good.”

Attercliffe-based Inspec Solutions employs 25 engineers and software developers and has developed a bespoke degree apprenticeship scheme to continually develop talent in-house. Three new apprentices have recently been appointed to the business who are studying for degrees in engineering at Sheffield Hallam University, joining five already underway on the scheme.

Ritson continues: “We’ve seen continued growth over the last 20 years and have been able to build a strong, dedicated team of engineers. We’ve kept a competitive edge by investing in our people – and our commitment to developing our own engineers through apprentice schemes is a big part of this.”

Adam Offord

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