Plant operators seek to acquire temperature, pressure, and other types of data to better understand what is happening in their plants and obtain insights needed to improve equipment and operating procedures. In keeping with the industry "big data" trend of utilising ever growing amounts of data, there is a rising need for information management solutions that can acquire more data points and have higher acquisition speeds.
To meet these requirements, Yokogawa has created Exaquantum R3.01. This latest version of Exaquantum delivers a quantum increase in the data acquisition speed and the number of tags that can be handled by a server, giving plant operators a much more detailed understanding of their plant processes. Positioning Exaquantum R3.01 as a data historian platform for acquiring and storing the plant data needed to improve plant operations, Yokogawa will utilise this product to create value with its customers and expand its solutions business.
Including closing processing time, defined as the performance of calculations using acquired process data to obtain values (average, standard deviation, sum, maximum/minimum, etc.) for a given period (on an hourly, daily, or monthly basis) and the automatic generation of this data on a server, Exaquantum R3.01 achieves an event-driven data acquisition and processing speed of 600,000 tag updates per minute, which is six times faster than the company's previous release. In less time, this software can obtain more detailed information on the changes that are taking place in a plant's processes.
Increased number of tags that can be handled With Exaquantum R3.01, a server can now handle up to 500,000 tags, five times the amount possible with the company's previous release. This dramatically increases the amount of information customers have at their fingertips. By being able to analyse a wider range of process data, they can obtain a much more accurate understanding of what is happening in a process and zero in on solutions that will improve their plant operations.
With Exaquantum R3.01, users can now access their data not only from a browser on a desktop or laptop PC, but also from any Windows or iOS tablet. This gives anytime, anywhere access to plant information and aids troubleshooting for rapid resolution of production issues.
Exaquantum R3.01 comes with an improved conversion tool that allows users to convert Exaquantum R3.01 graphic windows so that they can be viewed from inside an operation and monitoring window (graphic window) of Yokogawa's flagship product, the CENTUM(R) VP integrated production control system. This conversion tool now has the capability to simultaneously convert multiple process graphics. Other engineering tools available for use with Exaquantum R3.01 have been improved to reduce engineering workload.