Fluor wins contract in Romania 28 August 2024

(Image credit: Fluor)

​Fluor has signed a contract with RoPower Nuclear for Phase 2 front-end engineering and design (FEED) work at its small modular reactor (SMR) facility in Doicesti, Romania.

The project will utilise NuScale Power’s SMR technology to generate carbon-free power, marking a milestone in Romania’s advancement of clean energy initiatives.

“We are pleased to continue our role in supporting this important project to deploy the next generation of nuclear power to produce clean and reliable baseload electricity for Romania and Europe,” said Pierre Bechelany, president of Fluor’s LNG & power business. “When completed, this facility will be the first of its kind in Europe.”

Fluor’s Phase 2 FEED work will customise a six-reactor SMR power plant with NuScale technology, capable of producing up to 462 megawatts to European codes and standards.

Operations Engineer

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