EUROPART delivers Green Energy solar cells 13 September 2022

EUROPART CIGS solar cells DB Bahnbau Gruppe The CIGS solar cells are said to be resistant, which protects them from damage (image credit: Wenderson)

EUROPART has provided solar cells by Green Energy that are supplying workshop containers with climate-friendly power at the Königsborn/Magdeburg plant in Germany of DB Bahnbau Gruppe.

EUROPART, the exclusive distributor of Green Energy’s solar systems in Europe, has delivered solar cells with a peak rating of 380W, a 3,000W inverter and a lithium battery.

Danish company Green Energy specialises in developing solar systems for mobile applications.

According to EUROPART, the CIGS solar cells are resistant, which protects them from damage as well as spontaneous combustion.

In addition, the solar cells are said to be capable of generating electricity with low solar irradiation and therefore ensure a high energy yield. With their three millimetre design, the solar cells are suitable for use on vehicle roofs or other mobile applications, including container roofs. EUROPART provides the solar cells in preconfigured MIPV (mobile integrated photovoltaic) sets that include a charge controller, cut-off relay, fuse and matching inverter in various power levels. Data loggers and 230-volt inverters for connecting standard electrical equipment are available as options. EUROPART supplies the solar cell sets in a variety of sizes and power classes.

DB Bahnbau Gruppe is a Deutsche Bahn subsidiary that specialises in railway construction as well as the maintenance and repair of track installations, using workshop containers which until now were powered by fuelled generators.

DB mechanics and electricians were certified as part of the work on the first workshop container, allowing them to install the solar cell sets on the remaining workshop containers after a trial phase.

Transport Engineer

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