Environmental award for Crown Oil’s recovery work 20 March 2012
Crown Oil won the award for Environmental Contribution to Industry at the HazardEx awards in Harrogate, following the operation to remove and recycle 6.4 million litres of gas oil from Derwent Power Station.
General manager Mark Andrews explains that the project required more than 200 tanker movements. "To win recognition for this is something of which all the team can be very proud," he says.
"Power stations and large industrial gas users face changes following the end of the interruptible gas tariff," continues Andrews.
"These companies kept large stocks of reserve gas oil that are no longer needed, but are deteriorating with time and may become an environmental hazard."
Andrews says that Crown Oil's Environmental Services division won the award for its planning. Pumping and transfer are monitored to prevent spillage and, at the end, tank residues are removed.
Brian Tinham
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Crown Oil
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