Engineering professor predicts 2 million more engineers from green growth 18 April 2012

The challenge of tackling climate change may yet create over 2 million engineering jobs in the UK, according to Professor Julia King, vice-chancellor of Aston University.

The UK's task of reducing emissions will contribute to a surge in engineering jobs through 'green growth', she said at yesterday's (17 April 2012) Engineering Professors' Council's annual congress at the University of Leicester.

Her keynote lecture – entitled Climate Change, Green Growth, Opportunities for Engineering and Manufacturing – examined how the government's pledge to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 will create new opportunities for engineering research and development.

Professor King, who advises the government on education and technology and is a non-executive director of DBIS (the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills), said: "Reducing emissions means replacing our current operations, infrastructure and manufactured goods with low carbon alternatives, stimulating R&D, providing opportunities for innovative companies to claim new markets and for the UK to rebalance its economy through 'green growth'.

"Engineering UK, in its report on the state of engineering in 2012, predicts that over the next 10 or so years there will be a growth wave in engineering jobs. The UK will need over 2 million additional engineers. Are we on the threshold of a new golden age for British engineering? I believe that we hold the responsibility, and the means, to make this happen."

Professor King received the President's Prize, which is awarded biennially by the Engineering Professors' Council for services to engineering education.

The event was organised by Professor Helen Atkinson, head of Mechanics And Materials Group in the University of Leicester's Department of Engineering, who is also President of the UK Engineering Professors' Council.

"Engineering is crucial to our quality of life and to combating climate change," she commented.

"There are great opportunities for engineers in helping to develop technologies that will help the world to adjust to climate change," she continued.

"Engineers gain real job satisfaction from solving problems, particularly when that benefits society. There are also great prospects for job creation and economic growth through putting the UK at the forefront of technologies to assist with combating climate change."

Brian Tinham

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University of Leicester

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