Energy Minister to deliver keynote at the Energy Event20 July 2011
Charles Hendry, Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, is to deliver the keynote address on day one of the Energy Insight Conference, at The Energy Event.
Hendry will address the conference, at the NEC on 13 September, on the future of the UK energy market, reminding delegates that decisions made now on the quantity and type of energy generation will affect the UK for decades.
Hence his concern for the right balance between creating clean energy from renewable sources and nuclear and using current energy sources in a green fashion.
Hendry will be joining BBC Radio 4 presenter John Humphrys, UK business woman Karren Brady and the former face of UK business, Lord Digby Jones.
Following his presentation, a short question and answer session will be hosted by John Humphrys, allowing members of the audience to put their questions and points to the Energy Minister.
Brian Tinham
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