Electrical testing specialist moves into Skelmersdale 11 August 2010

Testing and certification firm TRaC (testing regulatory and compliance) has moved into a new facility in Pendle Place, Skelmersdale after securing a £140,000 grant from the North West Regional Development Agency.

The facility offers state of the art EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), radio, safety and explosive atmospheres testing to meet mandatory European and international regulations.

Says Mark Heaven, chief executive: "With intense competition and an economic environment that remains challenging, our customers are under tremendous pressure to reduce the time to test and certify their product.

"By providing facilities across the country, TRaC can work closely with its customers in the design, test and certification stages of a project. This removes the problem of dealing with remote test facilities, reducing the risk of products failing and helping customers get their products to market sooner."

Brian Tinham

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