Earthline ramps production with Finlay plant 29 July 2013

A new Terex Finlay 684 inclined screen is helping to ramp up production at Earthline's Hatford quarry, in Oxfordshire.

The screen is the third element in a high-speed processing system, working alongside an existing Terex Finlay J1175 jaw crusher and C1540 cone crusher on site.

These machines all work together to create clean, high-value products from limestone quarried at Hatford quarry.

The J1175 – fitted with an independent pre-screen to remove clay – takes limestone into the C1540, which then produces a Type 1 material off a side conveyer in one pass.

Remaining aggregate is then fed into the 684, which produces single size products of 40mm, 20mm, 10mm and dust. The processed material is used for applications including drainage, road building, block making and pipefill.

Material is being processed at between 150 and 200 tonnes per hour.

Brian Tinham

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