Drager helps protect firefighters05 January 2023

Drager Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service Lancashire’s breathing apparatus training centre will provide the latest facilities and training to firefighters in the county (By Elenarts)

Drager has provided mechanical cleaning equipment for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service’s training centre in Chorley to deliver consistent levels of equipment disinfection and hygiene.

Drager, a provider of medical and safety technology, provides cleaning equipment designed to clean, disinfect, and dry self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and face masks to ensure that equipment is ready and safe for training and incident use. Mechanical cleaning machines mitigate issues relating to inconsistencies in manual cleaning, such as the amount of detergent used and water temperature and optimise the removal of carcinogens and other harmful germs and contagions. They also help to further the life span of SCBA, by protecting materials used.

Dräger’s cleaning solution package includes Harstra’s Wash 9DR and Wash 6DR mechanical cleaning machines and M45 drying cabinet.

The Wash 9DR stainless steel cleaning machine is an automatic solution for cleaning breathing masks that has low water and energy consumption. The Wash 6DR is designed for higher volumes of breathing apparatus, including full face masks, compressed air breathing apparatus, helmets and back plates (without the cylinder). In-built dosing pumps ensure consistency of cleaning, and the high-pressure four-sided bayonet nozzles maintain water pressure during the cleaning process, preventing moisture from getting into equipment. Two compartments prevent cross-contamination and during washing the doors are electrically locked.

The mechanical cleaning machines can be configured to suit specific workshop areas and capacity requirements, with washing and rinsing cycle options available in as low as five, 10 and 22 minutes and featuring in-built water softening.

Lancashire’s breathing apparatus training centre will provide the latest facilities and training to firefighters in the county. The school includes a network of classrooms and workshop areas where delegates will learn how to prepare, operate and service SCBA. Facilities include a purpose-built layout designed to minimise the spread of, and exposure to, contaminants during the removal of equipment and changing out of personal protective equipment.

Liz Millward, marketing manager emergency and rescue services at Draeger Safety UK, said: “Lancashire’s breathing apparatus school is unique for the fact that it is purpose built, enabling them to design ideal workflows that limit spread and exposure to carcinogens and other harmful and contagious germs from used kit. Mechanical cleaning equipment helps further this goal, and it is excellent to see it being promoted in such a prominent new firefighting facility.”

Operations Engineer

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