Don’t slip up by ignoring winter cold, warns Slingsby 26 November 2010
As the UK is once again being plunged into snow and ice, workplace equipment provider Slingsby is urging plant managers to plan ahead and avoid the severe disruption that dogged the UK last year.
Slingsby marketing director Lee Wright says that, by doing so, employers can also help to prevent accidents caused by slips and trips, which always increase during the winter months.
"The 2009-2010 winter was exceptional both in its severity and duration, and took the whole country by surprise. It cost the UK's economy billions of pounds in lost trade and absenteeism and although this winter may not be as bad, it's still false economy not to prepare for it," says Wright.
"There was a major shortage of salt last winter so it makes sense to stock up on it now, especially because it's cost-effective and can be stored for long periods of time. Salt, grit and other similar products are also one of the easiest ways of preventing slips and trips that are caused by walkways being wet or icy underfoot and the dark nights reducing visibility," he advises.
Wright says that, in addition, by doing something to prevent slips, trips and falls, plant managers also reduce their chances of having to pay for personal injury claims.
"It's also a good time to think about general improvements that can be made to the premises, such as placing matting around entrances, which will help to keep floors dry, and using warning signs in areas where floors become wet and slippery," he says.
"Plus it's important to make sure there is sufficient lighting inside and outside your premises, so that potential hazards can be seen and often this can just be a case of using brighter bulbs in existing lights," he adds.
Brian Tinham
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