Danisense gains ISO accreditation05 January 2023

Danisense ISO Danisense Current Transducers Emil Stender Kennedy, Technician / Morten Birkerød Lillholm, R&D Electrical Engineer / Christian Markvardsen, R&D Electrical Engineer

Danisense, a laboratory specialising in current sense transducers, is now offering ISO 17025 accredited DC calibration of Danisense Current Transducers (DCCT) up to 21kA.

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is the quality management system and main standard for testing and calibration laboratories. The Danish national accreditation body DANAK (Danish Accreditation Fund) awarded the accreditation.

Danisense can now ship new current sense transducers with the ISO 17025 calibration authority in a move that is said to save customers a long process and administrative effort.

Loic Moreau, sales & marketing director at Danisense, said: “The Danisense laboratory was first built in 2017. We have since gained knowledge in the field of metrology, particularly high accuracy DCCT calibration. We have continuedly improved our methods and equipment, and the laboratory has been used to support the development of high-end DCCTs for particle accelerators, MRI scanners, green energy applications like windmills, electric vehicles and many other applications.”

Operations Engineer

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