Cool solution for transport of hot steel ingots14 October 2013
Dutch-based Nugteren Transport is delivering hot steel ingots with minimal heat loss, thanks to a solution designed by Morgan Advanced Materials.
Previously, during transportation, the steel ingots cooled from 800°C to 50°C, and were reheated at the customer's site – a process which consumed a significant amount of time and energy.
So Nugteren looked for a solution to enable the steel ingots to be loaded at a typical temperature of 600°C and lose no more than 50°C during the five-hour delivery period, calling for an effective insulation solution for the vehicle trailers.
The first step was to insulate the floor of the trailer, making it safe, while maintaining sufficient strength to handle the 25-tonne weight of the ingots. The floor was constructed using a base layer of Superwool Plus Blok from Morgan Advanced Materials. Designed for high-temperature insulation, Superwool Plus Blok is lightweight, strong and offers 30% better insulation than calcium silicate board.
The Superwool was covered with a layer of sand and the frame edge was made of Morgan's JM26 insulating firebricks which gave the structure sufficient strength to handle the load of the hood before making an airtight seal.
The steel hood was lined with 100mm of stack-mounted Superwool Plus. By stack mounting the lining, this gives better strength to deal with vibration and movement during transport.
The results are impressive: while the system was designed for a temperature drop of no more than 50°C, it actual falls by less than 25°C.
Laura Cork
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Morgan Advanced Materials plc
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