Combine safety valves with bursting discs, urges Fike 17 July 2014
Fire, explosion and pressure relief systems specialist Fike UK is alerting plant engineers to the benefits of using bursting (rupture) discs with PRVs (pressure relief valves) in the process industries.
The Kent-based firm says it has seen a significant rise in demand for the combination – either in series or parallel – as plant managers grasp the value and importance of this approach.
It cites key benefits as leak-tight fugitive emission controls, enhanced safety performance, easier PRV inspection procedures and cost savings.
"We are seeing a real surge in demand from customers as they realise the significant monetary and safety benefits that can be achieved by combining bursting discs with pressure relief valves," confirms Keith Avila, general manager of Fike.
And he goes on to suggest that this should be seen as an imperative in the process sector, to prevent pressures exceeding MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure).
"Without the protection of a pressure relief device, there is real potential for serious injury, mechanical and equipment damage, loss of product and production time, as well as physical damage that can occur due to over pressurisation of a process system."
Brian Tinham
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Fike UK
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