Calender ironing machine back in business in nine hours 07 February 2014

A commercial laundry in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, is reporting more reliable speed control of its calender ironing machine – plus a very rapid repair time – following installation of an ABB variable-speed drive.

Park Laundry had been running the machine using an old slip-ring motor, with auxiliary servo motor speed control, but with spares difficult source, it was considering a replacement when the motor suffered catastrophic failure.

Pete McHugh, joint owner of the company, contacted electrical contractor Eclipse Electrical Engineers, which offered a new induction motor, and brought in Halcyon Drives for a new speed control solution.

"It was vital that we got [the ironing machine] up and running again as all the washed items have to go through it," says McHugh, explaining that it consists of a feed-in belt section that sends washed items to three 18 inch diameter heated metal rollers, driven from the motor by a chain.

These iron the items and send them to the final section for folding. Speed control is vital as the items vary in size, from domestic towels and clothing, to commercial laundry items.

These retain different amounts of water and, although they are spun dry, are still damp – so need to be ironed at different speeds.

Halcyon Drives solution incorporates a 15kW ABB general purpose ACS550 variable-speed drive with sensors on the feeder and folder to provide for roller speed synchronisation.

"It was much more viable to replace the motor than repair it, as it gives us a much more efficient motor," comments McHugh.

"We are also very pleased with the speed of the installation... The job went ahead very quickly and we had the entire new system in place and operating in nine hours."

Brian Tinham

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