Burckhardt carries out repair in 40 days 24 July 2024

(Image credit: Burckhardt Compression)

Burckhardt Compression carried out a repair on behalf of a gas shipping company that got a liquified natural gas (LNG) carrier back to work in 40 days.

Anthony Veder Rederijzaken has a fleet of 30 modern vessels, all equipped with Laby compressors from Burckhardt Compression. A recent maintenance intervention on the Coral Siderea was planned for the replacement of the valves. However, during the visit, the field service representative found severe damage to the cylinder, crankshaft and piston.

The repairs would need the vessel to be in dry dock, which would normally require considerable forward planning. Given the costs of downtime for LNG carriers, a fast resolution was essential. Fortunately, an open dry dock was available in southern Spain and Burckhardt Compression’s network of European service centres would ensure local support would be on-hand.

While the vessel was transferred to the dry dock, specialists at Burckhardt Compression put together a plan for the repairs and started to manufacture the required parts. The project would involve three of the company’s service centres in Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

The most effective repair involved boring the cylinder out and installing an oversized piston, which was shipped from stock parts in Switzerland, along with a new crankshaft that was reworked to fit the exact requirements of this project. At the same time, the flywheel and counterweights were also exchanged and reworked.

For equipment being installed on a marine vessel, every part had to be certified by Bureau Veritas, which all adds to the lead time for the project. However, Burckhardt Compression’s team worked to expedite the process.

Throughout this period, the repair team provided daily status reports to the customer, as well as having regular meetings with the stakeholders of the project. This ensured that any challenges were resolved, and the customer could make plans to restart commercial operations with the Coral Siderea.

Operations Engineer

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Burckhardt Compression UK Ltd

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