Blane Judd appointed CEO of EngTechNow 08 May 2014
Blane Judd, the former group chief executive of the Building & Engineering Services Association, has been appointed CEO for EngTechNow, launched by prime minister David Cameron in June 2013.
EngTechNow, the campaign focused on raising awareness of the importance of EngTechs to the economy and daily life, aims to encourage the registration of 100,000 Engineering Technicians by 2020.
The EngTechNow is a joint project between the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), in conjunction with the Engineering Council.
It is supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and championed by Lord Sainsbury.
"I am thrilled to be starting as CEO of EngTechNow at such an exciting time for the campaign," states Judd.
"EngTechs are at the core of every engineering project and are the people with the expertise to turn great engineering ideas into reality," he continues.
"EngTechs are critical to the UK economy and it is encouraging to see government and industry increasingly seeing the value of the internationally recognised standard of engineering skills and experience professional registration provides."
Judd is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of City & Guilds, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Institute of Leadership and Management, Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, Royal Institution, Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering and the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.
Brian Tinham
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